Two Platforms. Unlimited Possibilities!

High on compatibility, Low on complications
Meet the platform that gets you onboarded on blockchain

The Definitive Platform For Tokenization

Customers can begin their blockchain journey within seconds, with complete on-boarding support. Once
they are familiar with the advantages of the platform, customers can upgrade to dedicated resources, if needed.


Blockchain-as-a-Service with an easy on-boarding pathway to greater privacy, data security, ease of value-transfer, complete transparency, and unmatched security.

Proof of ownership that can be authenticated to the satisfaction of all concerned parties, with immutable transaction history, complete privacy, and accountability.

Enterprise grade cloud infrastructure that meets the most stringent compliance and operational requirements, while lowering costs compared to legacy databases.

A study by the World Economic Forum projected that by 2027, 10% of the world's GDP will be tokenized, with a large portion of these assets being previously illiquid.



Not keen on shared multi-tenanted setup?

Get all the incredible features of the ARK platform PLUS a dedicated network service, with

An easy transition to dedicated Blockchain services

The most intuitive transition to Blockchain & Tokenization, available globally.

Qila comes loaded with Industry Loading Features


Multi-layered choice of
orderers, peers, and support.

IPFS Storage

Smart contracts and data
ledgers on peer networks.

Convenience Of

Ark+ uses containers for data
and component portability.

ARK & ARK+ is Designed for


Health Care

Real Estate

Luxury Goods




Pricing Plans


Free 30 Days Trial
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Network Shareability Shared Tenants Shared Tenants Owner
Asset Tokenization
Go-Trust (NFT Wallet for Certifiable data) (On-Demand)
PrivaSea (NFT Wallet for All the tokens own by customer) (On-Demand)
Secure Communication Services (SCS) (On-Demand)
Qila Distributed File System (QDFS) (Shared) (On-Demand)
Type of Smartcontracts Basic Basic + Optimized Basic + Optimized
Node Sizes Small Qila Optimized Dynamically Scalable
Cloud Providers Supported Private Cloud Hybrid (Public + Private Cloud) Hybrid (Public + Private Cloud)
Number of Tokens 0 1500 On-Demand
Number of Chaincodes 1 5 On-Demand
Number of Channels 1 2 5
Monitoring, notifications Standard- Blockchain Resources Standard- Blockchain Resources Advanced- Blockchain, Cloud
Cryptography Services
Multi-Layer API Services
Data Backup / Snapshot Provision
High Speed IOPS
Support (24x7) Standard Support Standard Support Enterprise Support
Qila Scout (Support specialist) None (only Email) @ $ 39 an hour 8 hours included (additional @ $39 an hour)
Protocols Supported Hyperledger Fabric Hyperledger Fabric Hyperledger Fabric, Hyperledger Besu
Automated CI / CD Pipelines