Setup Chaincode

List Chaincode

In this page list of chaincode which is created by use

Add Chaincode:

Create chaincode from this page and it has option to select chaincode type according to type contract will be deploy.

Fields Restriction:

  • Network - It is a mandatory field; you must select one network.
  • Channel -It is a mandatory field. You must select one channel.
  • Chaincode Name - It is a mandatory field, and it contains only lowercase letters.
  • Brand Name -It is a mandatory field. You must fill in the brand name
  • Language - It is a mandatory and it is selected field with value JavaScript
  • Type -It is a mandatory and you must select at least one contract type.
  • Json Data - As per the contract you must fill the value in Json format
  • Title Field - This field will depend on Json data, and you have selected one value for the title.
  • Image Field -This field will depend on Json data, and you have selected one value for the image
  • File Field - This field will depend on Json data, and you can select multiple values for the file.

Status Chaincode

In this page indicates status of channel creation and if it your channel has been created success then it will be displaying few channels information like Package, Query, Approval of Organization, Query Committed etc...

After this success page you will get the option to redirect to the next page like transactions page.

View Chaincode

In this page shows ideal information about the chaincode.

Brand logo: if you want to update the brand logo you will update from this view page.

Default Layout
Layout Right Side-Nav
Layout Detached Left Side-Nav
Layout Detached Right Side-Nav